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My Bad

Sorry for the lack of information. Been crazy with being allowed to open my business back up and catching up on bills etc etc.
Ziva is doing great, can’t even hardly see her incision area and she hopping around like nothing happened.
I’ll get some recent pics and maybe a video and post later today.

My dog has a zipper!!


So Zivas appointment went well. DrAllen took off her bandage for good and said the stiches all look very good and healing well.

Pin about 7-10 days she will take out the stiches. That will be a huge milestone for us. Also we should hear from the oncologist by the end of the week so we can start planning out Zivas treatment plan.

Regarding Zivas sernoma Dr Allen feels it was caused by the bandage more than her over doing it. Seems the bandage had slipped back a bit and was making it to tight in a couple areas so the fluid couldn’t go where it wanted or needed to. So either way problem solved.

Ziva is doing very well and getting stronger everyday. We definately made the right decision and I would do that same in a heartbeat!!

Stay safe and stay strong everyone. We will update again soon. Steve

Day 5 post op with super Ziva

So here we are day five and so far so good. I’ve been trying to keep Ziva down a bit as my Vet and I think she’s pushing it a bit much is soon.

So we’ve been sitting around watching some TV and relaxing.

Ziva has a seroma but the Vet said no huge deal. Ziva goes in tomorrow at 2 to have her bandage either removed permanently or replaced depending on what the Vet sees. She also think the bandage attributed to the seroma. But we defiantly let her do too much too fast which is easy to do just because you are so amazed as what they can do.

Anyway this was by far the best decision I made for Ziva, and by the looks she gives me I think she agrees. She might walk a bit funny right now but you can see the pain is gone.

I’ll take a few pics tomorrow so everyone can see how her stitches are doing.

Super Rottwieler she needs a cape

So here we are 48 hours post op. My Vet had me take off her fentynal patch this morning and adjusted her meds.

She is only taking Tramadol 2 -50mg tablets twice a day, and Metacam once in the am. She gave me another pill which I can’t remember the name but it to be used only if she shows signs of pain. So far nothing pain wise.

We spent most the day outside with her laying in the sun while mom and I worked in the yard.

She is 100% my dog as I’m not seeing any changes in her mood or behavior. Other than she hops instead of the limp. She looks at me with her big brown eyes and I swear she is saying thank you for getting rid of that pain I had.

I am so happy I found this site and for all the support it provides. Would I do it again??

HELL YES!! Don’t be scared your dog will love you more and fro longer, it’s not as bad as your human brain thinks. Ziva don’t care she’s her smily self and I am so happy!!


So morning one post op. Last night went pretty well go about four hours sleep on and off.

Got up this am and Ziva had wet the bed but that was expected. She drank some water and actually ate her breakfast.

My Vet called me and asked how things are going and we discussed her progress thus far. We are going to tweak her meds a bit base on how she’s acting.

So then I decided I need to get Ziva up and out for a potty break.  She stood up by herself and hopped to the back door unassisted!!

i helped her down the three steps into the back yard and she pee a small lake!! Then to my amazement she walk about ten steps and took a poop as well. Yeah for poop!!

This dog amazes me every day now for seven years and she continues to do so.

I’ll. Try for some more pics and maybe a video today. I can’t stop smiling !!!

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