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Got the call

Finally spoke with the specialist this morning. Not great news.
It’s gonna run $5-6k for the amputation and another $4-5k for the chemo/radiation therapy. OUCH
So right now some financial planning is in order.
I feel like I just got kicked in the nuts again. But I will do what ever I can for my girl.
With this pandemic we are locked down so my business is closed, I’m still paying my employee and now this. Good thing I have credit cards with zero balances. Looks like they are going to get some abuse lol.
Surgery will be Friday or Tuesday so I’ll keep you posted on that and hope for the best from here. Thanks for al the support you all have given. It’s the best thing going right now.

3 thoughts on “Got the call”

  1. I’m glad you got the call but dang I wish those numbers were better. You must live in a larger city? Prices are generally higher in large metro areas.

    Amputation isn’t cheap, but waiting on it isn’t something you want to mess around with. However chemo is optional, and although statistically it gives dogs a better chance at longevity, we’ve seen it go both ways. Most dogs live longer with it, some do not. Some dogs live way beyond the prognosis even when they don’t get chemo (our own Jerry was one, he lived two years). Chemo just seems like a crapshoot when it comes to osteosarcoma but no matter what you choose, we will support you 100%.

    Let us know when the big day is scheduled and holler with any questions.

    1. I actually live in a small town about an hour west of Seattle. But the specialist is in Tacoma Washington.
      My wife and I are discussing things and we have been given some options. Our primary car vet doe do amputations and she gave us a good friend customer price of $800 for the amputation. She also has a few of her colleagues that do the chemo and we will talk with them if we go that route.
      I think right now we will have Dr Allen do the amputation and go from there. Scheduled for Friday, day after tomorrow.

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