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Zivas journey

Well this is a first for me. A blog?? Wow.
Anyway this is my story of Ziva my 7 year old Rotty. She has been by my side for seven years. She goes to work with me, helps me work on my cars, everything.
Three days ago we went to the Vet with a concern about her limping on her right front leg.
After a few X-rays I got the earth shattering news that she has osteosarcoma. I was devastated, shocked, and overwhelmed all at once. Now what.
After some internet searching and research I found the Tripaws site. What a god send. The info and support is amazing.
So as of today 4/12/20 Ziva and I are resting a bit and enjoying the sunshine. Tomorrow we will be consulting an oncologist and putting a plan together for Ziva.
This plan is probably going to start with amputating the leg. From there who knows right now.
Anyway I will try to keep this up to date in the hope it will help all,of you going through this same ordeal.

5 thoughts on “Zivas journey”

  1. Welcome and thank you for sharing Ziva’s story. Your future blog posts and pages will publish immediately without requiring moderation.

    You will find much more help and feedback in the discussion forums or by searching the member blogs. Start here for help finding the many Tripawds Resources an assistance programs.

  2. We are so glad you joined us! Starting Ziva’s blog is a really big step in so many ways, and so helpful to others who are feeling as uncertain as you probably are right now. You aren’t alone, and now you are showing others that they aren’t either.

    Whatever we can do to help just let us know. We’ll wait for word on your vet consult tomorrow. Until then, snuggle up with Ziva and give her some extra smooches from us!


  3. Me and Holly have just started our tripawd journey too, I think this site is absolutely amazing, just such a great support system on here. Hope it helps getting your thoughts down. Sending extra love to you and Ziva. Hope all goes well. Happy Easter (:

  4. Thanks guys, for some strange reason I feel compelled to write about this. I’ve been on many forums and usually leave comments give feed back that sort of thing. Maybe this is therapudic as well.
    So I’m paying special attention to Ziva right now till we talk to the oncologist tomorrow, and it seems weird but it’s like she’s paying special attention to me as well. I think she can tell I’m stressing about something.
    I’ve also noticed that she is moving quite well on three legs right now?! If she walks slow she’ll use four but anything more than a fast walk and her right front is up in the air. We’ve got her on Meloxicam (sp) and Tramadol for pain. She seems to be doing fine in that area for now.
    Anyway thanks for ready and for all your support so far it is very welcome and appreciated. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s update after the meeting!

  5. Hi Steve keep us posted with your appointment today 🙂 Me and Arktik are thinking about you.

    On a side note, I really like her name, Ziva!

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